Saturday, January 12, 2008


So I'm sitting inside Togo's with a tummy full of a #30 with avocado. Rested and healing.

My other half is turning in the hard copy of my paperwork to the office come Monday morning. Sent the paperwork last night via fax and don't want the proverbial "we didn't get the fax" excuse. Instructions are to just give minimal info and when pressed explain he doesn't know since its between her and the Doc.

Burned, yes.

I think its a spiritual battle. The harder I've worked at my inside life the worse work got for me. Eh, whatever. Just means things got too close for comfort for some folks. I'm good with it. Not surprised at all just amazed at having a quiet, steadfast heart can really upset folks. Sad, really.

Over the last two months we've lost folks to death, moved, got new jobs, and watched people act in weird ways. Yup, stronger but exhausted...LOL.

Managed to read a great book by Donald Miller...Blue Like Jazz. Highly recommend it. Will really change how you think. That's all I'll say...just read it.

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