Friday, June 13, 2008

Surprises and Weekends

So I take a dear peep 'o mine to the bus stop for the commute home. Best part of it is the 15 minutes we get to sit and visit. Those are good times. Then we say goodbye until Monday.

I hate Fridays for this reason...saying goodbye.

Fridays also mean two days with the HV. So another reason to hate Fridays.

It would explain why I cried leaving town.

The Biotech loves the moniker we've bestowed...also enjoyed being the fly on the wall during the email flurry. Not threatened by this...our friendships and howling laughter.

God, this is like a huge breath of fresh air newly cleaned by the rain.

I love life with no reins.

Gotta get me a cowboy hat when I'm there in Houston. The Biotech teased me and said to check in once in awhile when I'm there. Oh, no worries will be a plenty throughout the week. Definitely incriminating ones at that. Dana will ensure that blackmail shots are taken of me. LMAO.

It's a strange life in which to spread my wings. I've got peeps who would lay down their life and have admitted it to me. I've got peeps who will laugh at me and make fun of me when I get drunk and I've got those same peeps who will drop everything to be at my side.

Strange in the sense I've jumped off the cliff and really like this flying gig. The view is exhilarating, scary, wonderful, and awe-inspiring.

Couldn't have done it without the biotechs and The Biotech. The latter is a rare breed I will not betray...ever. The Biotech has my word and my bond. The ringtone they've chosen on my phone for when they call sums it up pretty damn good and they know surprise there.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Let me just say that....WHOOT!

On so many levels.

  • I run into an Executive Assistant who has opened door upon door at work for me to connect w/the Legal Beagles. The LB's are people of their word. Which means I will do a T & D in 2 years time then transition into the permanent position upon passing the Bar. SNAP. That flipping rules.
  • Saw some rocking images of a peep who has made a major transition in their health.
  • Now know half the freaking Executive Staff of mostly LB backgrounds. SWEET. And they know me.

I shall carve a path in life. I will not look back, step down, nor fear the unknown.

This is an exhilarating ride called life.

Houston, We Have a Problem

Well, maybe not. I'm headed to visit my peeps down in Texas in 19 days.

Our collective prayer:

"Sweet Baby Jesus, bless the chaos that these four sisters are about to unleash on Houston. Hide the children and bring out the wrangler wearing, cowboy boot stomping beefcakes. Amen"

Four of us who are random, wild, and about to unleash the Apocalypse when we meet up July 1st.

Be afraid.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Quiet, Thought Filled Day

Let me just say I don't like days that my head is pondering stuff at 100 mph. Leaves me exhausted, questioning my decisions, and looking for ways to entertain myself.

Dangerous territory for me.

This sucks some days. Namely today.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Most spectacular sunrise ever coming into work today since I got to see a Duster fly east to west right over the freeway at the same time the first glimpses of the sun came over the Sierras. Truly a cool moment in time. Makes the OH!-Dark-Thirty-Out-The-Door wake up absolutely worthwhile. Throw a little country music blaring on the stereo while sipping that first cuppa joe and life is good.

Only thing that would have made it better is having the top down and wind flying through my hair. Alas, too cold so I "settled" for having the top up.

It was a little bi-plane and yellow…watched it fly west until I couldn’t see it anymore.

Yes, I waved and thought of my peep up there flying.

Aah, good times.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Red Rover

NEVER have coffee in your mouth when reading something like this:

If you've never played red rover, please let me enlighten you. In red rover, kids form two lines facing each other. They hold hands and then yell, "red rover, red rover send Matt right over." Matt then runs as fast as he can into the arms of the other kids. If the force of his body causes two people to release their hands, he wins. If instead he gets close lined and falls down, he gets to go to the hospital and have 7 stitches in his head.

It was all I could do not to spit out said coffee on my monitor. Thanks to Jon Acuff at Stuff Christians Like for that gem.

I love funny. Funny, sarcastic wit that less-intelligent types miss.

Dark and twisted is how I roll.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Excel Hell

So I exist today in a special circle (Ninth, to be exact...or in Excel terms "9.232879409") of Hell reserved for souls that must do reports in Excel. At this point in time I'm yearning for a dental visit and more specifically a root canal. Anything is better than a HUGE report in Excel. It is the bane of my existence. I have always hate spreadsheets and mathematics. So when either subject enters my radar I'd like to sit and hum "lalalalalalalalalala" until it goes away.

Factor in an impending review from the boss and I'm just a bundle of nervous energy normally reserved for meth addicts strung out on RockStar. Have I mentioned that I've been at work since 6 a.m. due to a massive construction project on my commute path and have a different schedule than normal?

Let's Review...

  • Cranky due to spreadsheet report.
  • Nervous of impending review.
  • Tired as hell from getting up at OH!-Dark-Thirty

This is a perfect storm, yeah?

Throw in a couple peeps/relatives done with surgery or about to go through surgery and keeping a bead on their respective well-being makes for an interesting week. Luckily one of my peeps came through with flying colors and is hobbling along rather well. Just need to remind said peep that keeping themselves planted firmly on the couch with the cordLESS phone is easier than standing up/feeling weird next to the base of the cordLESS phone is much more conducive to their recovery. Goofy peep 'o mine.

My Pop is doing shoulder surgery next week. That's rattling around in my head. He's a trooper in surgery and all that yet its tough to see him go under the knife. Pop is invincible in my mind. The dude is immortal...shouldn't have to have surgery. The upside is he will be doing incredible following surgery. Must remember to get him a Dr. Pepper and a Butterfinger for good luck.

That's always been our thing...Dr. Pepper's and Butterfinger's anytime we'd go anywhere. Dates back to going to the store with Pop and our treat was those two items. Kinda became a ritual with us.

I digress.

At least its quiet everywhere else in my world.