Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Excel Hell

So I exist today in a special circle (Ninth, to be exact...or in Excel terms "9.232879409") of Hell reserved for souls that must do reports in Excel. At this point in time I'm yearning for a dental visit and more specifically a root canal. Anything is better than a HUGE report in Excel. It is the bane of my existence. I have always hate spreadsheets and mathematics. So when either subject enters my radar I'd like to sit and hum "lalalalalalalalalala" until it goes away.

Factor in an impending review from the boss and I'm just a bundle of nervous energy normally reserved for meth addicts strung out on RockStar. Have I mentioned that I've been at work since 6 a.m. due to a massive construction project on my commute path and have a different schedule than normal?

Let's Review...

  • Cranky due to spreadsheet report.
  • Nervous of impending review.
  • Tired as hell from getting up at OH!-Dark-Thirty

This is a perfect storm, yeah?

Throw in a couple peeps/relatives done with surgery or about to go through surgery and keeping a bead on their respective well-being makes for an interesting week. Luckily one of my peeps came through with flying colors and is hobbling along rather well. Just need to remind said peep that keeping themselves planted firmly on the couch with the cordLESS phone is easier than standing up/feeling weird next to the base of the cordLESS phone is much more conducive to their recovery. Goofy peep 'o mine.

My Pop is doing shoulder surgery next week. That's rattling around in my head. He's a trooper in surgery and all that yet its tough to see him go under the knife. Pop is invincible in my mind. The dude is immortal...shouldn't have to have surgery. The upside is he will be doing incredible following surgery. Must remember to get him a Dr. Pepper and a Butterfinger for good luck.

That's always been our thing...Dr. Pepper's and Butterfinger's anytime we'd go anywhere. Dates back to going to the store with Pop and our treat was those two items. Kinda became a ritual with us.

I digress.

At least its quiet everywhere else in my world.

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