Friday, June 13, 2008

Surprises and Weekends

So I take a dear peep 'o mine to the bus stop for the commute home. Best part of it is the 15 minutes we get to sit and visit. Those are good times. Then we say goodbye until Monday.

I hate Fridays for this reason...saying goodbye.

Fridays also mean two days with the HV. So another reason to hate Fridays.

It would explain why I cried leaving town.

The Biotech loves the moniker we've bestowed...also enjoyed being the fly on the wall during the email flurry. Not threatened by this...our friendships and howling laughter.

God, this is like a huge breath of fresh air newly cleaned by the rain.

I love life with no reins.

Gotta get me a cowboy hat when I'm there in Houston. The Biotech teased me and said to check in once in awhile when I'm there. Oh, no worries will be a plenty throughout the week. Definitely incriminating ones at that. Dana will ensure that blackmail shots are taken of me. LMAO.

It's a strange life in which to spread my wings. I've got peeps who would lay down their life and have admitted it to me. I've got peeps who will laugh at me and make fun of me when I get drunk and I've got those same peeps who will drop everything to be at my side.

Strange in the sense I've jumped off the cliff and really like this flying gig. The view is exhilarating, scary, wonderful, and awe-inspiring.

Couldn't have done it without the biotechs and The Biotech. The latter is a rare breed I will not betray...ever. The Biotech has my word and my bond. The ringtone they've chosen on my phone for when they call sums it up pretty damn good and they know surprise there.


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