Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Red Shoe Ramblings

I broke down and bought me a pair of "Take No Prisoner" shoes. These bad-ass shoes rock. I'm wearing them now. Red pumps that have an attitude. Black trousers, swing jacket, and kick-ass red pumps.


Had a real cool coffee run with a colleague. Love the intellectual banter of my new world of which I've embarked. We ran the gamut of our lives and discovered some cross-over interests. I missed this over the last decade of my life.

Not so scary once one leaves the train station. Actually quite a beautiful journey out this way. Leaving the train station is the scary part...saying goodbye to my familiar life was tough and frightening but now that I'm out this way...cool scenery.

It's hard to jam my brain into a small blog entry. So much has gone down since I last wrote. I stand taller amidst the encouragement of friends. My walk is much more confident and I am laughing more often.

Days like this encourage me to fly higher and soar faster. They make the darker days smoother.

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