Saturday, December 1, 2007

Holy Schmoly, I'm Alive

Yes, I'm alive. Yes, I still exist.

Work is challenging and I'm being stretched to my limits faith wise in people. Be open but that's cost me since the individual I'm open with is critical and meanspirited.

Explain to me how to be open and NOT vulnerable?!

I've decided to look to promote in the Capital and leave the situation since the critical individual will now be my boss since they've kissed enough ass to get there. 

I'm done being open. I'm done being vulnerable. I'm done being sensitive.

Need to look out for my family and me. Co-workers be damned.


Sassy Shae said...

Open and not vulnerable? I was reading a blog yesterday where the man said that to feel and be blessed by beauty, we must be open to feel pain. You cannot have one without the other.

I don't think, though, we are to put ourselves in a position to be hurt by people who are hurtful in nature. We have to guard our hearts.

The trick is, becoming discerning enough to know who to be open with and who to keep our guard up with.

Dana said...

I can't say it any better than Sharona did.

i do want to add that in Matthew Jesus admonishes us to be wise as serpents, gentle as doves.

Red Shoe Diva said...

Unfortunately, I can't do this at work. It's bit me too many times. I can chatter paint off a that's my game plan. They don't like my personality, oh well, their loss.