Monday, December 3, 2007


Yes, we are simplifying Christmas this year. No over the top stuff for us. Caught a challenge yesterday to simplify and remember why we have Christmas. So I've decorated on a simple level and implemented our decorations into the house on a basic level. Basic meaning if you don't look hard, you won't notice them. My nativity went center stage on the mantel. Perhaps it will stay as my reminder to why I exist and serve a higher calling.

I'm pretty low key to begin with and this decorating confirms it.

We'll do a tree...a live one outside in the back. It's hypocritical to save trees and cut one down during the holidays. If folks want to see our Christmas's out back all decorated up nice.

Lights AND ornaments, too.

I want away from the Mass Commercialism of the holidays so I can return to the simple reason of why this holiday exists...Christ.

I'm not saying I'll rail anyone who celebrates with a credit card or start preaching on corners. Those who know me realize that's not me. I'm more about the "ya, its a pretty cool gig and you can join me if you want. If not, cool." I'm good with pretty much anybody.

That is all.


Dana said...

I usually go very simple with my decorations. Except lights. I love the white lights, it is so pretty. I also get depressed around the holidays, (holidays being Thanksgiving and Christmas) and don't feel like putting effort into it. THIS year however, I've gone prety much all out. I love it. It looks so prety. But these are items I've had and were passed on and bought one by one over the years.
I love the true meaning of Christmas as well as the tradition of Christmas. So, with that said, I think it's awesome you know the truth and you are celebrating the truth.

And, I like your knew template.

Dana said...

Dang, I always see the typos after I publish.

THEY are so pretty. (the white lights)

Looks so PRETTY.

I like your NEW template.

Dude, it is early.

Sassy Shae said...

As I sit here with my feet tucked underneath an electric blanket, I want to pause and say, "Merry Christmas," and glad you're celebrating with less trappings.