Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Licking Boots I Will Not

So, the licking of boots is in full swing in my office. We have a regime change and the amount of boot-licking is impressive.

No can do.

Man, that's akin to walking across broken glass and completely against my nature. This regime is all about boot-licking. Oi vey...am I in trouble here.

Bob Baer set a fine example of not licking boots back in "See No Evil" and he's to be admired. I think its called not settling for mediocrity. I see nothing wrong with sitting down for a hard day's work and going home knowing that one gave it all they had in them. What I do have issues with is licking boots to make sure one is firmly entrenched in the status quo. I liked Baer's take no prisoners attitude and refusal to settle for less than his best. Maybe that's why I like his style and his writings.

Me, in my little civil service world, is embarking on new ventures and trying to move up the ladder the honest way. Pure hard work with tons of elbow grease. I learned that skill in college and refused to play the political game. Kissing ass is not my style...nor will it ever be my style.

So, I venture away from the familiar and embark upon the unknown. I like the unknown to be honest. It's a breath of fresh air for me and gives me a chance to sharpen my talents. This is a chance to swan dive into the game of life.

Yes, I sit frustrated at the fact others with less talent are getting jobs that I'm qualified for more so that they yet I'm not the one who will be happy with settling for what they salivate and grovel. I think long term and not short term as far as a career. It's worth the marathon.

At least that's what I keep telling myself.

That and copious amounts of grape koolaid.


Dana said...

That's right girl! You keep your integrity that way!

The Lord is the blessing!

Sassy Shae said...

You've never been a boot licker or an arse kisser. Don't start now. It will ruin everything!