Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So we get up this morning and I had slept well since I got left alone...LOL. All is well until the HV decides he wants to bring something up but is hesistant. I told him to go ahead...

First and only mistake.

He grabs his bible and quotes 1 Corinthians 7. Finishes reading and announces that if he gets "it" every three days he'll leave me alone.


So I follow the therapist's protocol and refuse to engage in this twisted dance by stepping back. I then write down the event, my feelings, and my reaction. I didn't say a word other than "we'll discuss this in 24 hrs." We can't discuss it until therapy since we've written it down on the card. The therapist, Roger, set it up that way so we don't engage in the twisted dance we've done for years. Tomorrow morning I'm telling him that we can't discuss until we meet Roger. I was too angry to even say that.

Yay for me other than I'm completely pissed and angry at his decision to quote scripture so he can get some action. F*** him.

Yanno, I can tolerate a great deal of stuff until a person throws scripture in my face for their own benefit.

I can't even begin to describe how angry I am right now at this.

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