Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Crap. The exam I took and hoped I'd rank at least in the top three...well...

I didn't, I ranked 6th.

Problem is the list is Rule of 3. Meaning only those in the first three ranks will be considered.


This means my little head is spinning right now wondering if I need to head back to school and brush up on some things. Or, flip directions a little. GAH!

I'd love to eat anything right now. It's how I deal with things. I am fighting not to eat with my emotions. How easy it would be to go and grab a chili-cheese dog. must-not-eat-crap-with-emotions.


So I'm blogging.

What shall we talk about?

Have I mentioned (probably not since I'm new to the blogging lifestyle...NOOB!) that I dig foreign relations? Yeap, got real into it back in the day...just kidding...after I visited a foreign country. That and having 9/11 happen really perked my ears and brain up to the point its become a hobby.

Do you know many people who read Foreign Policy magazine for fun? Didn't think so.

Don't get me started on my dream book list found in the pages of Foreign Policy. Wow, that's fertile stuff. For me, at least...LOL.

Robert Baer, Milton Bearden, Ray McGovern, and Valerie Plame top my list of good reads. Anything you can get your hands on by these folks is good fodder for the brain. I'm indebted to them for having the balls to speak up publicly (because how else would I know...geez...braincramp extraordinaire there.) about what is truly happening in our world. Not to mention actually kept a dark, bent sense of humor about it all.

At least two of the four will confirm that reading the mainstream media is a waste of time. Dig deep and keep the peeps open OUTSIDE mainstream media. Think Occam's Razor, think simple, don't dismiss the absurd because it may bite you in the backside, consider everything.

So to those folks...merci beaucoup. Same to the behind the scenes folks who support the above mentioned. Big huzzahs from me. Seriously. You rock. You know who you are.

Anyhoooooo....this "gets dark early" business blows. I love the cool weather but man it sucks when it gets dark so fast.

Need to scram. Getting cold and the house is wide open (so sue me, I like fresh air). And, yes, sarcasm is just another service I offer.


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