Monday, November 5, 2007

Title Says It All

A friend of mine described me this way yesterday, "asymetrical." It applies on so many levels including appearance and mainly my dark humor. I wanted a safe place to blog with a pseudonym that allowed me to speak freely and give creedence to my thoughts that tend to be dark, sometimes venting, and frequently off the wall.

My friend is a fellow graphic designer and one who "gets it" as far as the humor goes with the artistic crowd. Someone who understands the beauty of paper, frustration of improving one's self, and humor in "I don't need too many changes, can you do it for free?"

Asymetrical is fitting.

Even a dear friend in Texas will roll with laughter at the title of this blog and description of me. She's the one who is inspiring me to write more. Someone who is writing a novel in one month can surely be joined in writing. Won't be a novel but definitely something asymetrical (prolly horridly sue me...its my blog, not yours) and bent.

She's a loved and dear friend...forever.



Sassy Shae said...

YAY! She's blogging! :)

Red Shoe Diva said...

YAY! Another obsession! ROFL