Tuesday, November 6, 2007

We've Done It

That's right, folks. We've done it...gone up and decided to move.

Not far, maybe 100'. Yup, the house next door is up for rent and we are gonna dive right into it. Got the power, internet, dish taken care of tonight. Need to change the mailing address and begin notifying folks.

Now to begin boxing stuff up...oi vey.

Why the move, you ask.

The line between family member and landlord blurred a little too much this last month. Factor that into everytime we've asked for repairs or "tenant-related" items, the family member has balked. Not only that but some repairs have never been done since we've moved in 2.5 yrs ago. Don't even remind me of the fact the "landlord" calls whenever, including after 9:00 pm...because, hey, they are up and moving around their place.

Yanno, I like my nighttime hours but during the work week I'm a solid morning bird because I have to be that to work my job. That means morning for me arrives at 0500 and not later...say like 1100. I digress.

Anyhoo...that off my chest.

Here is some random stuff about me:

8 things I'm passionate about:

1. My Faith
Pretty much the core of who I am. Without it I am nothing. Does this mean I'm a nazi about it? Nope. Actually very cool with everyone I meet...my place is to love not judge. Period.

2. My Husband
My light and strength.

3. Photography
Mere words cannot express this love.

4. Zen Moments
Had one of these while looking out at some Fourteeners in CO. Indescribable glory.

5. Laughing. A lot. All the time.
Very dark humor and sarcasm.

6. Coffee
Straight up, caffeinated. Lots of it.

7. Sleeping
Hobby. Word. (thanks Lotus for that gem of a word)

8. Driving.
Yes, hard to believe isn't it? Longest stretch was 16 hrs...ready to do it again.

8 things I want to do before I die:

1. Kayak from Home to the Bay...80 miles.
I'll do it, watch me.

2. Bay to Breakers
Walk, crawl, hop, crutch...whatever...been a dream since I began running at 10 yrs old.

3. Visit the Middle East.

4. Learn Farsi and/or Arabic.

5. Buy a house...in Colorado and/or California...hello mountains.

6. Sail Tahoe.

7. Skibike Silverton Mountain

8. Learn to code.

8 things I say often:

1. I love you.

2. Sweet

3. Cool

4. Not My Problem

5. "Let's do our staff work to completion" incredibly sarcastically and invoked when the Executive Team completely f***s something up. Say like, loose important documents. Same thing that would get end up getting me "transferred" to a new department. It's already happened...its cool.

6. F***

7. Oh ya

8. Shhhhh

8 Things that Attract Me to My Best Friends:

1. Humor
This is vital.

2. Sense of humor.

3. Ability to LISTEN.
Because I can yap and switch directions in a nano-second.

4. The desire to drink coffee.
No need to explain

5. Down to Earth.
I am SO not into the highstrung. Preach it!

6. You will hug me if I need it.

7. Be yourself.

8. Capability to let ME be real.


Dana said...

*gasp* Oh horrors, you say the f word?

I knew I loved you instantly for a reason!

Hi, it's nosy me stopping by!

love the blog!!

Red Shoe Diva said...

Yup, say the f word...many times. ROFL